First Lions Peace Bench ceremonially installed in Novi Sad
With its club activity "LIONS PEACE BENCH (LPB)", the "Lions Club Friedrichshafen - Schloss Hersberg Cyber" is particularly committed to international understanding. On 15 June 2024, in a spirit of friendship, the Lions from LC Friedrichshafen - Schloss Hersberg Cyber and LC Mileva Marić-Ajnštajn from Novi Sad (Serbia) donated an LPB as a clear sign of hopeful "for each other and with each other", both locally and regionally as well as globally.
The donation of this LPB in Novi Sad is intended to be the starting point for an intensified debate on a humane and meaningful change of behaviour.
in everyday human life. The LPB in Novi Sad is the first example of this club activity. With this activity, the Lions of the Cyber Club in Friedrichshafen are trying to place such copies throughout Europe and thus take an important first step towards building a special bridge of international understanding.
A special feature (or rather the centrepiece) of this LPB is that it is equipped with a QR code. This means that every guest of this Lions Peace Bank, for example, no matter where it is located, can use the OR code, which can be photographed with an internet-enabled mobile phone, to view all the entries made so far (throughout Europe), enter their request, message or message and thus also "talk" to the local Lions Clubs via the Lions Cyber Club.
In addition, this LPB simply offers an appealing place to rest, a space to pause and relax.
sense. And if desired, a suitable place to "talk" to each other and, if necessary, to make new friends.
to be able to seek out and develop new business opportunities.
Furthermore, the LPB also offers a good opportunity to promote the Lions organisation and the contents of the Lions movement in order to illustrate the far-reaching assistance provided by the Lions for people in need.
Another special feature of the LPB is its angled shape. This angled geometry enables comfortable eye contact with the other person and therefore direct perception, so that the elementary aspects can be included in the communication. This angled shape also symbolises the initial letter "L" of the Lions organisation. At the same time, the "L" is intended to represent the values of the Lions at this location. Tolerance and respect are the basis for a harmonious exchange.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank the PROMENADA shopping centre in Novi Sad, the Lions friends from the Mileva Marić-Ajnštajn Lions Club in Novi Sad and the LC Friedrichshafen - Schloss Hersberg Cyber project team. And last but not least, a very special "thank you" to the company Konrad Knoblauch GmbH for their special and generous help and to all those who worked in front of and behind the scenes. All the support and assistance for this project is anything but a matter of course, which is why everyone involved deserves the greatest appreciation. With their help, they all contribute to making the world around us a little bit better.
May the Lions Peace Bench in Novi Sad develop into a true jewel and at the same time a beacon for friendship and international understanding!